Thursday, November 30, 2023

HAK-Fasilita Formasaun ba Guarda Prizioneiru

Dili, 30 Novembru 2023

HAK-Fasilita Formasaun ba Guarda Prizioneiru

HAK-Fasilita Formasaun ba Guarda Prizionál husi Prizaun tolu ho tema “Optimaliza Kbiit Lideransa, Psikososial no Komunikasaun Efetivu ba Guarda Prizionál iha Prizaun Becora, Gleno no Suai Haree Husi Oklu Direitus Umanus”.

Foto Formasaun ba Guarda Prizional/Doc-HAK

Objetivu husi formasaun ida ne’e hanesan oportunnu ba Guarda Prizionál sira atu hametin liu tan koñesimentu kona-ba kualidade lideransa, emosionál no maneira komunikasaun oinsá bele sai enerjia hodi haforsa sira nia empeñamentu servisu sira la’o ho efisien liu tan.

Iha intervensaun badak husi Diretór Diresaun Nasionál Servisu Prizionál no Reinsersaun Sosiál (DNSPRS)

Sr. Delfio Alves, salienta katak materia workshop importante atu eleva liu tan kapasidade Guarda sira nian oinsá bele trata prizioneiru sira ho dignu no halo atendimentu sira la’os de’it atu kumpri lei sira, maibé tratamentu ida ho dignu, ho fuan tuir ita nia konsiensia.

Nune’e mós intervensaun badak husi reprezentante SASCAS, Sra. Laurinda Betti, sita katak Tema workshop ne’e importante, tanba Guarda P. Sira mak hasoru ema ho karakter oi-oin. Tuir lei, Guarda sira iha direitu atu hetan formasaun oi-oin, nune’e kontinua hametin sira nia koñesimentu ba tratamentu prizioneiru sira ho digno no respeita direitus umanus. Guarda sira presiza hetan tratamentu dignu mós, relasaun ho sira nia bem estar atu sira bele satisfas ho sira nia empeñementu servisu sira. Karik sira nia salariu ne’e sufisiente ba sira nia bem estar ka la’e? Tanba ne’e nia efeitu bele afeta psikolojikamente iha sira nia uma laran ka iha servisu fatin.

Foto Formasaun ba Guarda Prizional/Doc-HAK

 #English Version;

HAK-Facilitates Training for Prison Guards

HAK-Facilitated Training for Prison Guards from three Prisons with the theme “Optimizing Leadership, Psychosocial and Effective Communication Capacity for Prison Guards in Becora, Gleno and Suai Prisons from a Human Rights Perspective”.

The objective of this training is an opportunity for Prison Guards to further strengthen their knowledge of leadership qualities, emotional and communication skills how to become energy to strengthen their commitment to work more efficiently.

In a brief intervention by the Director of the National Directorate of Prison Services and Social Reintegration (DNSPRS)

Sr. Delfio Alves, stressed that the workshop material is important to further raise the capacity of the guards how to treat prisoners with dignity and provide services not only to comply with the laws, but a treatment with dignity, with heart according to our conscience .

Also a short intervention by the representative of SASCAS, Sra. Laurinda Betti, quoted that the theme of the workshop is important, because Guarda P. They meet people with different characters. According to the law, guards have the right to receive various training, thus continuing to strengthen their knowledge of the treatment of prisoners with dignity and respect for human rights. Guards need to be treated with dignity as well, in relation to their welfare so that they can be satisfied with their service commitments. Is their salary enough for their welfare? Therefore, its effects can affect them psychologically at home or at work.




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