Membru HAK
Tuir dinámika ne’ebé maká la’o iha rai laran hodi prense rekezitus legais ne’ebé vigór iha Timór-Letse, mak iha tinan 2012 HAK tenki halo atualizasaun fila fali ba estatutu membru sira nian, maká iha ema na’in 36 de’it mak ba halo sira nia aktualizasaun. No kada tinan, organizasaun nafatin atualiza ni'nia membru sira hodi hatene ida-idak ninia disponivélidade hodi kontinua sai membru ka hakarak para ona. Nune’e mós halo lós membru sira ninia estatutu iha asembleia jerál. Komesa husi organizasaun ne’e muda naran husi Yayasan ba Asosiasaun to’o tinan 2023, HAK kontinua ho ninia membru hamutuk ema na’in 72 maká aktualiza sira ninia membru kada tinan.
Husi membru sira ne’ebé iha
komitímentu bo’ot hodi kontinua luta ba hametin prinsípiu Estadu de Direitu no
Demokrátiku, hodi garante povu sira ninia direitus umanus, atu atualiza sira
ninia spíritu ne’e, mak HAK kontinua implementa programa sira ne’ebé mak
formuladu tiha ona iha ninia planu stratéjiku, nune’e iha tinan 2023, kontinua
hala’o servisu importante sira hanesan Monitórizasaun no Advokásia Direitus Umanus.
Atividade importante maká hanesan Edukasaun Direitus Umanus, Simu Keixa no Prosesa Kazu ba Instituisaun Governantes no Instituisaun Estadu ne’ebé maká relevantes ba haforsa Lei no Prinsípiu Direitus Umanus ne’ebé maká Estadu Timór-Leste opta liu husi Konstituisaun RDTL, lei oan no instrumentu legal internasionál ne’ebé estadu RDTL ratifika ona.
#English Version;
To strengthen and strengthen the organization's existence, in 2005, the character of the organization as FOUNDATION with the full name FOUNDATION HAK, transformed into the character of ASSOCIATION with the full name ASSOCIASAUN HAK, so the owner of the organization did not not only the founders, but based on people who voluntarily become members of the ASSOCIATION. From 2005 to 2011, the total number of members of the ASSOCIATION was 135, composed of Timor-Leste citizens and foreigners living in the country and abroad.
According to the dynamics that are going on in the country to meet the legal requirements in force in Timor-Leste, in 2012 HAK had to update the status of members, which is only 36 people it is to do their updates. And every year, the organization continues to update its members to know each one's availability to continue being a member or want to stop. It also corrects the status of members in the general assembly. Since the organization changed its name from Yayasan to Association until 2023, HAK continues with its members totaling 72 people who update their membership every year.
From the members who have a great commitment to continue fighting to strengthen the principles of the rule of law and democracy, to guarantee people's human rights, to update their spirit, HAK continues to implement programs that has been formulated in its strategic plan, so in 2023, it will continue to carry out important services such as Monitoring and Human Rights Advocacy.
Important activities include Human Rights Education, Receiving Complaints and Processing Cases to Governing Institutions and State Institutions that are relevant to strengthening Human Rights Laws and Principles that the State of Timor-Leste has opted for through the Constitution of the RDTL, laws and legal instruments international treaty that the state of the RDTL has ratified.