Sunday, October 8, 2023

Kondisaun Direitus Umanus Prizaun Becora, Gleno no Suai

Foto/Atividade HAK halo Monitórizasaun iha Prizaun Suai

Iha sosiedade demokrátiku ida, ema ne’ebé servisu iha prizaun nu’udar ajente públiku. Prizaun hanesan fatin rehabilitasaun ho objetivu hodi halo mudansa ba atitudi no karakter hodi kontribui ba públiku nia di’ak. Governu ka Ministériu tutela ba asuntu prizaun tenke iha responsabilidade hodi asegura no tau konsiderasaun aas ba servisu Guarda Prizionál sira nian hodi fó hanoin ba públiku katak servisu iha prizaun ne’e servisu públiku ne’ebé importante tebes no kontinua sai preokupasaun públiku.

Durante prosesu rehabilitasaun tomak, prizioneiru sira iha natureza ida ne’ebé frajil no vulneravel tebes atu hetan violasaun direitus umanus. Prizioneiru sira kompletamente depende ba estadu nia autoridade hodi haree ba direitu sira asesu ba nesesidade báziku inklui asesu ba direitu ida justu, loloos no dignu.

Prizaun elimina totál prizioneiru sira nia direitu liberdade ba movimentu ne’ebé nu’udar direitu fundamental ida, durante tempu balu definidu ona iha lei, maibé sira nafatin iha direitu sira seluk hanesan mós ema umanu ida.

Direitu hirak ne’e hakerek ona iha Konstituisaun RDTL Artigu 34 no lei Nasionál sira seluk nune’e mós Konvensaun Internasionál Direitu Sivíl Polítiku Artigu 9.3 & 14. 2, inklui lei Internasionál sira seluk ne’ebé deskreve kona-ba direitu Prizioneiru sira nian. Estadu iha dever legál hodi asegura no hakonu direitu fundamentál sira bazeia ba lei Nasionál no lei Internasionál sira.

Timor-Leste, atualmente iha prizaun tolu (3) maka hanesan Prizaun Becora iha Munisípiu Dili, Prizaun Gleno iha Munisípiu Ermera no Prizaun Suai iha Munisípiu Covalima. Asosiasaun HAK nu’udar organizasaun direitus umanus iha obrigasaun morál atu kontribui ba setór judisiariu partikularmente hodi hakonu direitu prizionerus ba asesu justisa formál, liuhosi programa advokásia, hakbi’it Guarda Prizionál no halo monitórizasaun periodikamente atu hatene kondisaun no situasaun reál prizaun nian.

Leno ba rezultadu monitorizasaun ne’ebé hala’o ona iha prizaun tolu, Asosiasaun HAK deskobre prizioneiru sira ho klasifikasaun diferente hanesan prizioneiru ho estatutu prizaun preventiva, kondenadu, idade juvenil, feto, ema ho defisiénsia (mentál no tilun), eis membru balu husi polísia no militár, inklui ema estranjeiru balu.

Estadu Timor-Leste hatudu ona progresu no vontade polítika liuhosi Ministériu Justisa hodi kontinua esforsu halo melloramentu no mós fó espasu ba organizasaun sosiedade sivíl sira hodi kria rede servisu ne’ebé mak tau matan ba asuntu direitu prizioneiru sira-nian.


·  Koninua fó hanoin ba Instituisaun Estadu ka tutela sira atu empeña sira-nia obrigasaun hodi garante prizioneiru sira nia direitus umanus oinsá atu bele asesu ba justisa ida justu, loloos no dignu.

·   Divulga asuntu violasaun direitus umanus ba públiku hodi hetan simpatia (apoiu) no hamosu debate públiku nune’e bele hetan mudansa iha desijaun polítika no autoridade judisíariu sira hetan atensaun másimu hodi prosesa kazu sira iha Tribunál.

·    Hakbiit no hametin kapasidade no koñesimentu Líder Komunitáriu inklui Lider Juventude sira nian kona-ba Lei no sistéma judisíariu Timor-Leste nian iha nivél Munisípiu. Ho informasaun sira ne’ebé maka sira hetan onanune’e ajuda sira kontinua hatutan informasaun ba sira nia komunidade hodi bele komprende kona-ba lei no sistéma judisíariu iha Timor-Leste. Nune’e bele kontribui ba prevensaun violénsia no violasaun sira iha komunidade nia leet.



Tuir prinsípiu direitus umanus, ne’ebé konsagra iha lei nasionál no mós internasionál haktuir katak, ema hotu-hotu ne’ebé hetan akuzasaun ba nia aktus krime ruma, nafatin iha direitu atu konsidera nia hanesan ema inosente durante nia prosesu tomak antes Tribunál hatudu nia sala bazeia ba evidensia sira. Arguidu sira mós iha direitu hodi defende nia-an iha Tribunál. Prinsípiu no valór sira ne’e hatuur ona iha instrumentu legál sira nasionál no Internasionál nian hanesan sita iha Deklarasaun Universál Direitus Umanus (DUDU) art. 11 no Konvensaun Internasionál Direitu Sivíl Polítika (KIDSP), art. 14.2, tanba ne’e bainhira suspeitu ida iha detensaun, hein nia julgamentu la bele konsidera nu’udar prosesu ne’ebé bai-bain. Tanba tuir lei ema ruma ne’ebé detidu tanba akuzasaun krime, tenke lori kedas ba juis ka ofisiál seluk ne’ebé tuir lei iha autóridade atu ezerse poder judisiál, hodi ema ne’e hetan julgamentu iha tempu ne’ebé apropriadu.

Iha lei inan Konstituisaun RDTL iha Artigu 30 nia previzaun haktuir katak, ema hotu-hotu ne’ebé mak hetan detensaun ka prizaun tenke informa kedas ho loloos no momoos kona-ba razaun tansa mak nia prizioneirus eh tama iha kadeia no mós iha direitu atu hatene bainhira mak sai, atu komunika ho nia defeza husi ema ne’ebé mak nia tau fiar ba. Núne’e mós la bele kaer  ema ida, wainhira hahalok ne’e la tuir dalan ne’ebé hakerek tiha ona iha lei ne’ebé hala’o dadaun nia laran, tenke hato’o bebeik detensaun eh ema ne’e nian ba juís ne’ebé iha kbiit atu haree iha prazu legál nia laran.

Aleinde ne’e, Artigu 34 Konstituisaun RDTL haktuir iha nia previzaun katak, akuzadu hotu-hotu sei nafatin inosente to’o wainhira juís hakotu lia judisiál katak nia sala duni. Akuzadu sira iha direitu atu hili nia defensór atu tau matan ba nia hahalok hotu-hotu iha prosesu laran no lei mak sei hakotu kona-ba kazu ruma ne’ebé defensór tenke iha oin. Ema hotu-hotu iha direitu atu rona no atu defende nia aan iha prosesu krime nia laran.

Nune’e mós bazeia ba Kovensaun Direitu Sivíl Polítika iha Artigu 14.3 haktuir katak, atu fó hatene kedas argidu ho detallu no iha lian ida ne’ebé nia bele komprende kona-ba akuzasaun sira nia natureza no razaun prosesu judisiál sira tenke la’o tuir tempu ne’ebé adekuadu no fasilidade naton hodi prepara ninia defeza no komunika ho nia advogadu ne’ebé nia rasik hili nune’e bele hetan julgamentu ne’ebé la hó atrazu exesivu.

Ema ida labele hetan tratamentu aat ka dezumanu eh degradante tuir Artigu 30.4 KRDTL nune’e mós hakerek iha Konvensaun Kontra Tortura ne’ebé Timor-Leste ratifika no asina ona. Estabelesimentu ba Servisu Prizionál iha Timor-Leste (Regulamentu UNTAET Nú. 23/2001) hanesan mós lei nasionál ne’ebé elabora prinsípiu sira ne’ebé instituisaun judisiáriu sira iha Timor-Leste tenke la’o tuir, inklui mós instrumentu internasionál, Norma Padraun Minimu Nasoins Unidas nian kona-ba Tratamentu ba Prizioneiru sira no Konvensaun Nasoins Unidas Kontra Tortura, hamutuk ho konvensaun internasionál sira seluk ne’ebé proteje grupu vulneravel inklui feto no labarik sira. Dekretu Lei númeru 14/2014, Artigu 13 ema-prizioneirus ne’ebé iha prizaun preventiva no Artigu 18 iha estabelesimentu prizionál ne’ebé regula separasaun ba prizioneiru preventiva, joven no feto.

Mesmu ita iha ona instrumentu legál sira, maibé reálmente iha implementasaun sira seidauk haktuir saida maka prevé ona iha Konstituisaun no mós Konvensaun Internasionál inklui Padraun Nasoins Unidas sira seluk.  

Lee Kontinua 

#English Version;

Human Rights Conditions Becora, Gleno and Suai Prisons


In a democratic society, people who work in prison are public agents. Prison is a place of rehabilitation with the objective of changing attitudes and character to contribute to the public good. The Government or Ministry in charge of prison affairs must have the responsibility to ensure and give high consideration to the services of Prison Guards to remind the public that working in prisons is a very important public service and continues to be a public concern.

Throughout the rehabilitation process, prisoners are by nature fragile and highly vulnerable to human rights violations. Prisoners are completely dependent on the authority of the state to ensure their right to access to basic needs including access to a fair, just and dignified right.

Prison totally eliminates prisoners' right to freedom of movement, which is a fundamental right, for some time defined in law, but they still have other rights as human beings.

These rights are enshrined in the Constitution of the RDTL Article 34 and other national laws as well as the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights Articles 9.3 & 14. 2, including other international laws that describe the rights of prisoners. The State has a legal duty to ensure and fulfill fundamental rights based on national and international law.

Timor-Leste currently has three (3) prisons, namely Becora Prison in Dili Municipality, Gleno Prison in Ermera Municipality and Suai Prison in Covalima Municipality. HAK Association as a human rights organization has a moral obligation to contribute to the judicial sector particularly to fulfill the right of prisoners to access formal justice, through advocacy programs, strengthening the Prison Guard and monitoring periodically to know the real conditions and situation of prisons.

Based on the results of monitoring conducted in three prisons, HAK Association discovered prisoners with different classifications such as prisoners with pre-trial detention status, convicts, juvenile age, women, people with disabilities (mental and hearing), some former members of police and military, including some foreigners.

The State of Timor-Leste has shown progress and political will through the Ministry of Justice to continue efforts to improve and also provide space for civil society organizations to create a network of services that address the issue of prisoners' rights.

 Purpose ;

· Continue to remind State Institutions or guardians to fulfill their obligations to guarantee prisoners' human rights in order to access fair, just and dignified justice.

· Disclose issues of human rights violations to the public to gain sympathy (support) and create public debate so as to achieve changes in political decisions and judicial authorities receive maximum attention to process cases in court.

· Strengthen and strengthen the capacity and knowledge of Community Leaders including Youth Leaders on the law and judicial system of Timor-Leste at the municipal level. With the information they have received, it helps them continue to share information with their community to understand the law and the judicial system in Timor-Leste. This can contribute to the prevention of violence and violations in the community.


According to the principle of human rights, enshrined in national and international law, everyone accused of any criminal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. wrong based on the evidence. The accused also has the right to defend himself in court. These principles and values ​​are enshrined in national and international legal instruments as quoted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) art. 11 and the International Convention on Political Civil Rights (ICRC), art. 14.2, therefore when a suspect is in detention, awaiting trial cannot be considered as a normal process. Because according to the law a person detained on a criminal charge, must be brought immediately to a judge or other official who according to the law has the authority to exercise judicial power, so that the person is tried in an appropriate time.

In the main law of the Constitution of the RDTL in Article 30's provision states that, every person who is detained or imprisoned must be informed immediately accurately and clearly about the reason why he is a prisoner or imprisoned and also has the right to know when it comes out, to communicate with his defense from someone he trusts. Similarly, no one shall be arrested, except in accordance with the provisions of the law in force, and the detention of the person shall be reported to the judge. which has the power to see within the legal time limit.

In addition, Article 34 of the Constitution of the RDTL states in its provision that all accused shall remain innocent until the judge decides that he is guilty. Defendants have the right to choose their own counsel to oversee all their actions during the proceedings and the law shall decide on any case in which a counsel must be present. Everyone has the right to be heard and to defend himself in criminal proceedings.

Also based on the Convention on Civil Rights Policy in Article 14.3 states that, to immediately inform the defendant in detail and in a language that he can understand about the nature of the charges and the reasons for the judicial process must follow adequate time and facilities to prepare his defense and to communicate with his chosen lawyer so as to obtain a trial without excessive delay.

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The Establishment of the Prison Service in Timor-Leste (UNTAET Regulation No. 23/2001) is also a national law that elaborates the principles that judicial institutions in Timor-Leste must follow, including the international instrument, Standard Norms The United Nations Minimum on the Treatment of Prisoners and the United Nations Convention Against Torture, along with other international conventions that protect vulnerable groups including women and children. Decree Law number 14/2014, Article 13 prisoners in pre-trial detention and Article 18 in prison establishments that regulate the separation of pre-trial prisoners, young people and women.

Although we already have legal instruments, but in reality in the implementation they have not followed what is provided for in the Constitution and International Conventions including other United Nations Standards.

🔗Panorama Kondisaun Direitus Prizioneirus


🔗Optimista kbit lideransa psikososial ho komunikasaun Efetivu ba guarda Prizional iha Timor Leste

⌛Debate Pro & Kontra Tematiku : JUSTISA KA INJUSTISA Prezidente Republlika fo Indulto Ba EP & MH Tuir Konstituisaun Lei Direitu Sidadadaun no Konsensaun Indulto ba Sidadaun Sira II Live Loron 18 Dezembru 2023


Author & Editor



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