katak Luta ba Libertasaun Pátria Timór-Leste la’os de’it liu husi
movimentu rezisténsia polítika no forsa armada, maibé mós liu husi movimentu
sosiál ba direitus umanus no demókrasia ne’ebé mosu iha dékade
90-resin. Tanbá operasaun husi kolonialízmu no okupasaun husi paíz
estranjeiru konsiente nu’udar violasaun direitus umanus, maká kamada
intelektuál no joven Timórense ne’ebé iha momentu dekade 90-resin, nu’udar mós
vítima ba violasaun direitus umanus oi-oin, inspiradu hodi organiza-an ba partisipasaun
iha luta libertasaun pátria ne’e liu husi dalan foun ne’ebé maká naun-violénsia
hodi defende direitus umanus.
Inspirasaun ne’e maká manifesta husi ativista
Timórense nain 6 hanesan: Sr. Aniceto Guterres Lopes, SH, Rev.Pdt. Arlindo
Francisco Marçal STh, Sr. José Luís de Oliveira, Sr. Gilman A.
E. Santos, Sr. José Jaquelino S. da C. Gusmão no Sr. Osório
Florindo, toma inisiativa hodi hari’i ofísiu ida hanaran “Badan
Bantuan Hukum” hodi fó asisténsia legál nu’udar defensór ka advogadu ba maluk
Timór-oan sira ne’ebé hetan kapturasaun husi Militár Indonézia tanba luta ba auto-determinasaun
Timór-Leste nian.
Depois organizasaun ne’e hahú ninia legalidade husi notáriadu
Indonézia nian iha 20 Agusto 1997 ho naran ofisiál Yayasan HAK (Yayasan
Hukum Hak Asasi dan Keadilan) no
membru sira ne’e maká ativista hirak ne’ebé maká mensiona
iha leten hamutuk mós ho ativista solidaridade ba Timor-Leste
nia ukun rasik-an husi Indonézia nain-hirak hodi
hari’i organizasaun ne’e, hodi fornese asisténsia legál ba prizoneirus
polítikus Timór-oan sira iha momentu ne’eba no
organiza asisténsia umanitária ba prizoneirus polítiku
sira nia famíllia. Depois-de hetan tiha estatutu legál iha tinan 1997, liu
husi resjistu iha Notariadu ho forma Yayasan (Fundasaun),
HAK hahú habelar liu tan servisu ba direitus
umanus hodi monitoriza, kampanã, no edukasaun ba povu
kona-bá valór no prinsípiu direitus umanus, inklui tau-matan ba prosesu
referendum no organiza asisténsia umanitária ba deslokadu
sira ne’ebé mosu iha momentu ne’ebá husi asaun Violénsia Mílísia pro
Jakarta. Iha momentu difisíl nia laran, HAK mós lakon ninia ativista nain-2 mak
hanesan Domingos Apariçio (Munisípiu Viqueque) no Manuel Magalhães (Munisípiu
Bainhira Timor-Leste livre tiha husi
okupasaun Indonézia no tama ba governasaun
tranzitóriu ONU nian, HAK nu’udar organizasaun ida ne’ebé mós parte ba movimentu
libertasaun patria, la nonok maibé ativu nafatin hodi kontribui ba prosesu
“hamrik husi ahuk-desan”, inklui mós prepara líder Timórense balu hodi involve
iha NC (National Counsultation) ka orgaun konsultativu ba governu
ONU nian, nune’e mós ativu iha prosesu halo konstituisaun RDTL.
Depois povu Timor-Leste hahú hetan nia
direitu ba auto-determinasaun hahú husi tinan 1999-2002, YAYASAN
HAK kontinua reafirma fali ninia pozisaun nu’udar organizasaun
direitus umanus liu husi programa monitórizasaun
ba klala’ok servisu ONU nian durante périudu tranzisaun, advokásaun ba prosesu
akuntabilidade ba krími kontra umanidade iha Timór-Leste
no mós hala’o programa kapasitasaun kona-ba lei,
direitus umanus ba entidade sira estadu nian no mós ba komunidade
sira iha nivél nasionál to’o iha área rurál, nu’udar kontribuisaun iha faze
tranzisaun hodi hari’i Estadu Timór-Leste.
Atu haforsa no hakbi’it liu tan organizasaun nia ezisténsia, maká iha
tinan 2005, karaktér organizasaun hanesan YAYASAN ne’ebé ho naran kompletu
YAYASAN HAK, transforma ba karaktér ASOSIASAUN ho naran kompletu
ASOSIASAUN HAK, nune’e na’in ba organizasaun la’ós de’it
ona fundadór sira, maibé bazeia ona ba ema
sira ne’ebé ho Voluntáriu sai membru ba ASOSIASAUN.
Hahú husi tinan 2005 to’o 2011 totál membru ASOSIASAUN hamutuk 135 ne’ebé
kompostu husi sidadun Timór-Leste no mós maluk estranjéiru sira ne’ebé hela iha
rai laran no mós sira ne’ebé hela iha estrajéirus.
Tuir dinámika ne’ebé maká la’o
iha rai laran hodi prense rekezitus legais ne’ebé vigór iha Timór-Letse, mak
iha tinan 2012 HAK tenki halo atualizasaun fila fali ba estatutu
membru sira nian, maká iha ema na’in 36 de’it mak ba halo
sira nia aktualizasaun. No kada tinan, organizasaun nafatin atualiza ni'nia
membru sira hodi hatene ida-idak ninia disponivélidade
hodi kontinua sai membru ka hakarak para ona. Nune’e mós halo lós membru sira
ninia estatutu iha asembleia jerál. Komesa husi organizasaun ne’e muda naran
husi Yayasan ba Asosiasaun to’o tinan 2017, HAK kontinua ho ninia membru
hamutuk ema na’in 34 maká aktualiza sira ninia
membru kada tinan.
Husi membru sira ne’ebé iha komitímentu bo’ot hodi kontinua luta
ba hametin prinsípiu Estadu de Direitu no Demokrátiku, hodi garante povu sira
ninia direitus umanus, atu atualiza sira ninia spíritu ne’e, mak HAK kontinua
implementa programa sira ne’ebé mak formuladu tiha ona iha ninia planu
stratéjiku, nune’e iha tinan 2017, kontinua hala’o servisu importante sira
hanesan Monitórizasaun no Advokásia Direitus Umanus. Atividade importante maká hanesan
Edukasaun Direitus Umanus, Simu Keixa no Prosesa Kazu ba Instituisaun
Governantes no Instituisaun Estadu ne’ebé maká relevantes
ba haforsa Lei no Prinsípiu Direitus Umanus ne’ebé maká Estadu
Timór-Leste opta liu husi Konstituisaun RDTL, lei oan no instrumentu legal
internasionál ne’ebé estadu RDTL ratifika ona.
#English version ;
History of the HAK Association ;
It is considered that the Struggle for the Liberation of the Fatherland of Timor-Leste is not only through the political resistance movement and the armed forces, but also through the social movement for human rights and democracy that emerged in the 1990s. Because the operation of colonialism and occupation by foreign countries is conscious as a violation of human rights, the Timorese intellectuals and youth who at the time of the 1990s, as well as victims of various human rights violations, were inspired to organize to participate in the struggle for the liberation of the country through a new non-violent way to defend human rights.
This inspiration was manifested by 6 Timorese activists such as: Mr. Aniceto Guterres Lopes, SH, Rev.Pdt. Arlindo Francisco Marchal STh, Sr. Jose Luis de Oliveira, Mr. Gilman A. E. Santos, Sr. José Jaquelino S. da C. Gusmão and Mr. Osório Florindo, took the initiative to establish an office called “Badan Bantuan Hukum” to provide legal assistance as a defender or lawyer to fellow Timorese who were captured by the Indonesian military for fighting for self-determination in Timor-Leste of.
After the organization began its legality from the Indonesian notary on August 20, 1997 with the official name Yayasan HAK (Yayasan Hukum Hak Asasi dan Keadilan)Language from Indonesian, and the members are the activists mentioned above together with solidarity activists for Timor-Leste's independence from Indonesia
established this organization, to provide legal assistance to Timorese political prisoners at the time and to organize humanitarian assistance to the families of political prisoners. After obtaining legal status in 1997, through registration with the Notary in the form of Foundation, HAK began to expand human rights services to monitor, campaign, and educate the people about human rights values and principles, including overseeing the referendum process and organizing humanitarian assistance to displaced persons who emerged at the time from pro-Jakarta militia violence. In difficult times, HAK also lost two of its activists, Domingos Apariçio (Viqueque Municipality) and Manuel Magalhães (Bobonaro Municipality).
When Timor-Leste was liberated from Indonesian occupation and entered the UN transitional government, HAK as an organization that is also part of the homeland liberation movement, did not remain silent but remained active in contributing to the process of “rising from the ashes”, including preparing some Timorese leaders to be involved in the NC (National Consultation) or advisory body to the UN government, as well as active in the process of making the constitution of the RDTL.
After the people of Timor-Leste began to gain their right to self-determination from 1999-2002, Foundation HAK continued to reaffirm its position as a human rights organization through a program of monitoring the work of the UN during the transition period, advocacy for accountability process for crimes against humanity in Timor-Leste and also conduct training programs on law, human rights for state entities and also for communities at the national level to the rural area, as a contribution to the phase transition to establish the State of Timor-Leste.
To strengthen and strengthen the organization's existence, in 2005, the character of the organization as Foundation with the full name ASSOCIATION HAK, transformed into the character of the ASSOCIATION with the full name of the ASSOCIATION HAK, so the owner of the organization did not not only the founders, but based on people who voluntarily become members of the ASSOCIATION. From 2005 to 2011, the total number of members of the ASSOCIATION was 135, composed of Timor-Leste citizens and foreigners living in the country and abroad.
According to the dynamics that are going on in the country to meet the legal requirements in force in Timor-Leste, in 2012 HAK had to update the status of members, which is only 36 people it is to do their updates. And every year, the organization continues to update its members to know each one's availability to continue being a member or want to stop. It also corrects the status of members in the general assembly. Since the organization changed its name from Foundation to Association until 2017, HAK continues with its members totaling 34 people who update their membership every year.
From the members who have a great commitment to continue fighting to strengthen the principles of the rule of law and democracy, to guarantee people's human rights, to update their spirit, HAK continues to implement programs that has been formulated in its strategic plan, so in 2017, it continues to carry out important services such as Monitoring and Human Rights Advocacy. Important activities include Human Rights Education, Receiving Complaints and Processing Cases to Governing Institutions and State Institutions that are relevant to strengthening Human Rights Laws and Principles that the State of Timor-Leste has opted for through the Constitution of the RDTL, laws and legal instruments international treaty that the state of the RDTL has ratified.