Tuesday, October 3, 2023


Foto Memoria 7 Dezembru 1975/doc-ARMT

Memoria 7 Dezembru 1975

Dadersan madrugada tuku 04.00 tinan 41 liu-ba, populasaun Dili ne’ebé sei toba hela hakfodak ho “besi-boot” (aviaun) ne’ebé semo iha Dili leten ho distansia badak loos, depois ema sai mai haré hanesan sasan munu-sai husi “besi-semu” ne’e nian kidung, afinal depois populasaun Dili sira hatene katak ne’e tropaz Indonézia ne’ebé tun husi aviaun ho parákedista. Tuir sasin balu dehan katak parakedista sira ne’e tun haleu iha sidade Dili, husi oeste to’o parte leste nune mos husi tasi to’o foho. Depois-de ne’e, populasaun Dili hahu paniku tanba rona tiru-malu, entre ita-nian Falintil ho tropaz parakedista sira ne’e.

Sasin balu konta katak depois loron matan sai, nia hare’e tropaz balu mate iha ai-leten, balu iha dalan no populasaun balu mate namkari iha fatin-fatin. Ema barak ne’e sei moris no la konsege eskapa ba foho, tropaz Indonézia “lulun” sira hotu ba tasi ibun. Balu husi Audian, Kolmera, Motael, Bidau no fatin seluk, ema feto, mane, timor-oan ka xinezes sira ne’ebé maioria hela iha Kolmera no deskonfia nudar ajente Xina Komunista, militar sira ne’e lori sira lao ain ba forma iha Portu Dili hodi depois “rajada” (tiru-mate). No mate isin sira ne’e munu ba tasi laran no namlele deit nune.

Iha edifisiu Asistensia Sosial (atual kampus UNTL Kaikoli) ne’ebé momentu ne’eba ema barak abrigu (subar) hela iha ne’eba, militar Indonézia tama ba laran hodi rega sira mate hotu. Tuir sasin balu dehan kuaze ema atus rua-resin mak mate iha fatin ne’e. 

Liu tiha loron hirak, Dili laran dois mate-isin iha kintu-kantu, no depois mak militar Indonézia tau-halibur mate-sin hirak ne’e iha fatin ida hodi sunu ho gazoel, no mate-isin sira ne’e tasi baku mai tasi ibun, militar Indonézia mobiliza populasaun balu ne’ebé konsege rende hodi hakoi, hahu husi tasi-ibun Konsul China (atual QG Polisia Marina) to’o iha Bidau Lecidere.

Loron 7 Dezembru nudar loron historia importante ba povu timorense, tanba iha loron ne’e mak hahu terus naruk durante tinan 24 okupasaun ilegal rejime militar Soeharto iha Timor-Leste. Hahu husi ne’e mak povu timorense barak kapturadu arbiru, tortura iha fatin-fatin ilegal, oho mate, mate tanba hamlaha, hetan diskriminasaun ka opresaun oin-oin. Ba sakrifisiu hirak ne’e merese ita hotu ne’ebé agora goza independensia nian omenajen.

Triste oituan bainhira haré loron ohin ne’e “malirin” husi aktividade nasional. Politiku, deputadu, funsionariu publiku no privadu sira “malirin” hela deit ho feriadu nasional. Ema barak la senti loron ohin ne’e ita feriadu tanba saida?

Hein katak iha ita ida-ida nian “malirin” ba feriadu ne’e, ita-boot sira bele hato’o netik orasaun ruma ba martir sira ne’ebé tombadu iha loron 7 Dezembru 1975 nudar jestu ba omenajen no agradesimentu ba sira-nian sakrifisiu.

Zé Luís de Oliveira

#English Version ;


Remembering December 7, 1975

Early in the morning at 04.00 41 years ago, the population of Dili who was still asleep was surprised by the “besi-boot” (airplane) that flew over Dili with a very short distance, then people came out to see it as something falling away from the "iron-semu" song, after all the population of Dili knew that it was Indonesian troops who got off the plane with paratroopers. According to some witnesses, the paratroopers landed far away in the city of Dili, from west to east as well as from the sea to the mountains. After that, the population of Dili began to panic because they heard shooting between our Falintil and the paratroopers.

Some witnesses said that after sunrise, he saw some troops dead in the trees, some on the road and some population dead scattered in places. Many of these people survived and failed to escape to the mountains, the Indonesian troops “lulun” them all to the shore. Some from Audian, Kolmera, Motael, Bidau and other places, women, men, Timorese or Chinese who mostly live in Kolmera and suspected of being agents of Communist China, the military took them on foot to form in Port of Dili and then "rajada" (shot dead). And the bodies fell into the sea and floated away.

In the Social Assistance building (current campus of UNTL Kaikoli) where at that time many people were hiding, the Indonesian military entered and watered them all to death. According to some witnesses, nearly two hundred people were killed on the spot.

After a few days, Dili was covered with bodies in the fifth corner, and then the Indonesian military gathered the bodies in one place to burn with gasoline, and the bodies were washed away by the sea coast, the Indonesian military mobilized some population who managed to surrender to bury, starting from the coast Chinese Consul (current Marine Police HQ) to Bidau Lecidere.

December 7 is an important historical day for the Timorese people, because on this day began the long suffering during 24 years of illegal occupation of the Soeharto military regime in Timor-Leste. Since then, many Timorese people have been arbitrarily captured, tortured in illegal places, killed, starved to death, discriminated against or oppressed. For these sacrifices deserve the tribute of all of us who now enjoy independence.

It is a little sad to see today's “cold” day of national activity. Politicians, deputies, public and private officials are “cold” with the national holiday. Many people do not feel today is a holiday why?

Hopefully in each of our “cold” for this holiday, you can say a little prayer to the martyrs who fell on December 7, 1975 as a gesture of tribute and gratitude to them sacrifice.

Zé Luís de Oliveira



Author & Editor



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