Vizaun no Misaun

Asosiasaun HAK estabelese iha 20 Agostu 1996, nu’udar Organizasaun Naun Governamentál ne’ebé ejisti dezde okupasaun Militár Indonézia iha Timor-Leste, serbisu iha área Direitus Umanus no Justisa. Iha tempu agora nafatin hala’o nia kna’ar, hodi promove no proteje valores direitus umanus iha Timor-Leste, objetivu liu husi monitórizasaun ba situasaun direitus umanus ne’ebé akontese.

 Monitórizasaun ne’ebé HAK hala’o limita de'it ba Munisípiu 8 mak hanesan; 

Ainaro, Aileu, Baucau, Viqueque, Dili, Ermera, Liquiça no Manufahi. Monitórizasaun ba servisu instituisaun Estadu sira, hodi garante katak instituisaun sira ne’e, hala’o duni sira nia obrigasaun tuir lei sira ne’ebé  hodi respeitu, proteje, no hakonu ema hotu nia direitu.

HAK nia Vizaun no Misaun : 

Hamosu sosiedade Timór-Leste ne’ebé kritiku, independenti, aberta, dame iha estrutura sosiál ne’ebé bázeia ba prinsípiu popular, respeitu ba direitus umanus no valores lokais hodi alkansa justisa sosiál ne’ebé realiza liu husi :


1.   Defende vítima violasaun direitus umanus

2. Hakbi’it kapasidade komunidade liu husi transferensia matenek, dezemvolve povu nia kualidade moris, dezemvolve kuiñesementu lokál, no partisipa iha dezemvolvimentu

3.  Kontrolu sosiál

#English Version; 

Vision And Mission

  HAK Association was established on August 20, 1996, as a non-governmental organization that has existed since the Indonesian military occupation of Timor-Leste, working in the area of ​​Human Rights and Justice. At present, it continues to carry out its duties to promote and protect human rights values ​​in Timor-Leste, with the objective of monitoring the human rights situation that occurs.

      The monitoring conducted by HAK is limited to 8 municipalities such as;

    Ainaro, Aileu, Baucau, Viqueque, Dili, Ermera, Liquiça and Manufahi. Monitoring of the work of State institutions, to ensure that these institutions, perform their obligations in accordance with laws that respect, protect, and fulfill the rights of all people.

    HAK's Vision and Mission:

   To create a critical, independent, open, peaceful Timor-Leste society in a social structure based on popular principles, respect for human rights and local values ​​to achieve social justice achieved through:

1. Defend victims of human rights violations

2. Strengthen community capacity through knowledge transfer, develop people's quality of life, develop local knowledge, and participate in development

3. Social control






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