Thursday, November 30, 2023

HAK Fasilita Formasaun Ba Guarda Prizionariu, Hodi Hametin Kualidade Lideransa, Komunikasaun no Psikolojia


Reportajen Juvinal Cabral dos Santos

Atu hasae kapasidade guarda prizionariu konaba lideransa, komunikasaun efetivu, psikolojia no direitu nian, nune’e Asosiasaun HAK fasilita treinamentu ne’e, hodi tulun guarda sira atu bele hala’o sira nia serbisu ho diak liutan.

Iha treinamentu ne’e Diretor Ezekutivu Asosiasaun HAK Feliciano da Costa de Araujo, hateten formasaun ne’e ba guarda prizionariu fatin tolu  Bekora, Gleno no Suai sira partisipa hodi kapasita kona ba lideransa ho komunikasaun efetivu, psikolojia no oinsa sira iha sensibilizasaun kona ba direitu ida ne’ebé mak liga ba prizionariu sira, no ida ne’ebé mak liga ba guarda rasik

“Ita hakarak atu hametin kooperasaun entermos husi Asosiasaun HAK rasik ho guarda prizional sira, inklui ho ita nia prizoneiru sira, ida ne’e mak sai esensial hanesan ita hotu hatene katak HAK nia estabelesimentu ne’e iha tempu okupasaun  Indonesia ho nia asistensia ne’e ba liu prizioneiru politiku sira”, dehan Diretor Ezekutivu Asosiasaun HAK ba jornalista Neon Metin iha salaun Centro Nacional Chega CNC Balide, 30/11/2023”.

Nia hatutan agora ukun an ona tenke kontinua fo asistensia ba iha prizioneiru sira maibe la iha separasaun signifika hotu-hotu inklui mos ba iha guarda sira, atu nune’e sira fo asistensia ba prizioneiru sira hanesan familia ida maun alin no bin alin feton ho nan

Diretor HAK nee dehan atu bele hametin liu tan entermos hanesan ema Timoroan  prizioneiru sira tama prizaun laos tanba hahalok ne’ebé la di’ak maibe iha prizaun laran ne’e hanesan fatin hodi halo reflesaun, sira mos halo interasaun ho guarda prizioneiru sira nune’e hanesan familia nune’e prizioneiru sira bainhira fila ba komunidade familia nafatin ho guarda prizional.

“Foin lalais ita mos apoiu fundus uituan ba prizaun tolu hodi komemora 28 Novembro prizioneiru sira mos presiza animasaun, servisu ida ne’e mos laos HAK mesak ita iha mos redi servisu asuntu prizaun ninian,  ne’e iha organizasaun lubuk ida mos ita iha neeba inklui Ministeiro da Justica, PRADET, FOKUPERS, no PDHJ involve sira para oinsa atu deskute asuntu prizaun ninian para atu labele mosu tan buat ida torturasaun ne’e, dehan  Feliciano iha salaun Centro  Nacional Chega CNC Balide”, Feliciano dehan

Relasiona formasaun ne’e partisipasaun guarda prizional husi Becora nain 8, Gleno nain 7 no Suai nain 10 sira ne’e reprezentante ba prizaun fatin tolu  sira ne’ebé hetan oportunidade ona ne’e halo rotasaun seidauk tuir ne’e mak agora tuir fali no formasaun loron ida deit tanba tuir materia ne’ebé prepara.

Apoiu fundus  husi SAKSAS ba Asosiasaun HAK asina iha fulan Agosto simu $30.000 USD  ne’e ba fulan neen remata iha fulan Janeiru maibe fundus ne’e laos HAK de’it mak hetan parseiru hotu hotu mos simu ida ne’e, laos ba atividade formasaun ba guarda prizioneiru de’it maibe iha mos talk show, produsaun Voletim sira iha mos monitorizasaun ba iha prizaun tolu ne’e depois sei halo dialogu públiku, diretor ne’e deklara

Iha fatin hanesan Xefi Seksaun Seguransa Estabelesimentu Prizional Gleno, Manuel de Deus Soares hateten  formasaun ida ne’e bele kapasita sira nia an hanesan guarda tanba idade aumenta kapasidade menus tenke refres kadi beibeik nune’e kapasidade ezekusaun di’ak liu

“Sempre hasoru dezafiu mak la iha motivasaun ruma ba ami nia servisu la iha progresaun durante tinan ruanulu resin situasaun ne’e ita kompara  hanesan emerjensia hela de’it, ami nia tratamentu ba dadur sira iha Timor ne’e di’ak tuir estandar internasional no sira nia direitu ne’e asegura duni”, dehan Xefi Seksaun Seguransa Estabelesimentu Prizional Gleno

Nia hatutan, maske limita prizioneiru sira nia direitu balun labele movimentu ba mai maibe sira biban atu tuir formasaun oioin ne’ebé mak kapasita sira ikusmai hanesan baze ruma ne’ebé naton ba prizioneiru sira depois fila ba familia no sosiedade prontu ona hasoru moris ne’e

Entrentantu Xefe Sesaun ne’e deklara prizioneiru dadaun iha Gleno  hamutuk nain 99, feto nain 15, mane nain 84 nune’e husu governu bele tau matan nafatin ba prizaun hodi halo mudansa inklui fo mos motivasaun ba prizioneiru no mos ba guarda sira atu nune’e bele servisu ho di’ak nafatin

Fontes Orijinal ; Neon Metin Info

#English Version; 

HAK Facilitates Training for Prison Guards, To Strengthen Leadership Quality, Communication and Psychology

To increase the capacity of prison guards on leadership, effective communication, psychology and law, HAK Association facilitated this training, to help guards to perform their duties better.

In this training, Executive Director of HAK Association Feliciano da Costa de Araujo, said the training for prison guards in three places Bekora, Gleno and Suai participated to train on leadership with effective communication, psychology and how they have awareness about rights which is attached to the prisoners, and which is attached to the guard himself

“We want to strengthen the internal cooperation of the HAK Association itself with the prison guards, including our prisoners, this is essential as we all know that HAK's establishment was during the Indonesian occupation with its assistance. and especially political prisoners”, said Executive Director of HAK Association to journalist Neon Metin in the hall of Centro Nacional Chega CNC Balide, 30/11/2023”.

He added that now independence must continue to provide assistance to prisoners but there is no separation means everyone including the guards, so that they provide assistance to prisoners as a family brothers and sisters and mothers

Director HAK said that in order to strengthen the entermos as Timorese prisoners enter prison not because of bad behavior but in prison is a place to reflect, they also interact with prison guards so and as a family so prisoners when they return to the family family remain with the prison guard.

“Recently we also supported a little funds to three prisons to commemorate 28 November prisoners also need animation, this service is not only HAK we also have a network of prison affairs services, there are many organizations we are there including the Ministry of Justice, PRADET, FOKUPERS, and PDHJ involve them to discuss the issue of prison so that there is no more torture, said Feliciano in the hall of the National Center Chega CNC Balide, "Feliciano said

Related to this training participation prison guards from Becora 8, Gleno 7 and Suai 10 they are representatives of the three prisons that have the opportunity to rotate not follow this is now follow again and one-day training because it follows the material prepared.

Support funds from SAKSAS to HAK Association signed in August received $ 30,000 USD for six months ending in January but the funds are not only HAK received all partners also receive this, not for training activities for prison guards only but there is also talk show, production Voletim there is also monitoring to the three prisons after public dialogue will be held, the director declared

In the same place, Head of Security Section of Gleno Prison Establishment, Manuel de Deus Soares said this training can train themselves as guards because age increases less capacity must be refreshed regularly so that execution capacity is better

“We always face challenges that there is no motivation for our work there is no progress for twenty years this situation we compare as an emergency, our treatment of prisoners in Timor is good according to international standards and their rights are ensured”, said the Head of the Security Section of the Gleno Prison Establishment

He added, although limiting prisoners' rights some can not move back and forth but they have the opportunity to attend various training that trains them eventually as a base that is strong for prisoners after returning to family and society is ready to face life teacher

Meanwhile, the Head of the Session declared that there are 99 prisoners in Gleno, 15 women and 84 men, so he asked the government to continue to monitor the prison to make changes, including giving motivation to prisoners and guards so that e can still work well

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