Direitu Justisa ba Vítima Segunda Guerra Mundiál (1942-1945)
Segundu Guerra Mundiál ka Funu Mundiál dala-ruak nian, halo
nasaun hotu iha mundu preukupa inklui nasaun sira iha Ázean. Japaun
hanesan nasaun bo’ot ida iha reijaun ne’e, ne’ebé adiantadu mós iha ninia téknolojia
funu nian, tamba ne’e iha funu ne’e, nia mós hakarak hatudu ninia forsa ba
mundu katak iha Ázean, iha mós forsa. Nune’e nia halo okupasaun iha teritóriu
nasaun Ázean nian barak iha rejiaun Ázean nian, inklui mós Timor-Leste.
Iha okupasaun tropas japonéz sira nian ne’e, lori terus ba nasaun barak.
Konsekuensia husi sira nia okupasaun ne’e, hodi estragus no halakon riku soin
barak iha nasaun sira ne’ebé sira okupa. Iha funu ne’e, halakon ema barak
nia moris no hakanek ema barak intermus fízikamente no Síkolojikamente. Tuir
istória katak objectivu husi invazaun tropa Japonézes nia mai Timor-Leste, atu
duni sai forsa aliadu sira (Australia no Olandes) husi Timor- Leste.
Konsekuensia husi okupasaun tropa Japonéz sira nian mai Timór
durante tinan tolu (3) resin ne’e, husik hela sofrimentu oi-oin no fitar bo’ot
ba povu Timor-Leste. Durante sira nia invazaun ne’e, obriga komunidade sira
hodi hala’o servisu obrigatóriu ba apoiu sira nia misaun ba funu hasoru nia
adversáriu sira. Konsekuensia husi sira nia hahalok ne’e, mak hamosu vítima
mais ou menus ema rihun atus neen (600.000) mak sai vítima ba sira nia
Sira ninia brutalidade ne’e mak hanesan rekruta avó mane sira ho obrigatóriu ba
ke’e dalan seim pagamentu no ailimentasaun no modelu seluk mak obriga Xifi Suku
no Xefi Povasaun iha tempu ne’ebá hodi ofrese ba sira, avó feto sira ne’ebé sei
fetoran ki’ik no feto klosan sira ba servi sira nu’udar kuzineru no halo ba
atan seksuál.
Atu dokumenta istória moruk sira ne’ebé mak akonese iha Timor-Leste,
nune’e iha tinan 2005, Asosiasaun HAK hamutuk ho grupu ativista solidaridade
husi Japaun ne’ebé ho naran Koligasaun Japaun, halo tiha ona peskiza ida, hodi
identifika vítima sira husi funu ne’e nian. Ami la konsege identifika vítima
barak tuir dadus istória ne’ebé iha tamba mayoria husi avó sira ne’e, barak mak
mate tiha ona.
Nune’e, ami konsege hasoru malu deit ho avó sira hamutuk na’in 20. Avó sira ne’e, mayoria Militár Japaun sira obriga ho forsadamente (dipaksa) hodi sai atan sexual (Jugun Ianfu) ba sira durante tinan tolu (3) nia laran. Kondisaun avó sira nian oras ne’e dau-dauk na’in 9 husik ona mundu ne’e sein rekoopera sira ninia terus no sei falta na’in 11 mak oras ne’e ho kondisaun ferik hotu ona. Avó sira ne’ebé mak agora sei moris mak iha Munisípiu Manufahi sei falta avó na’in 3, Munisípiu Viqueque sei falta avó na’in 1, Munisípiu Covalima sei falta avo na’in 4 no Munisípiu Ermera sei falta avó na’in 2 no avó ida iha Munisípiu Aileu.
Iha situasaun ida hanesan ne’e, HAK nota mós katak dala barak no bebeik, famíllia vítima sira laran metin hodi husu ba autóridade Estadu Timor-Leste nian, maibé ulun bo’ot sira la preukupa hodi la tau importánsia ba ezizensia hirak ne’e. Famíllia vítima sira iha tinan 10 resin ona, halerik no ezizi Lia Lós ho Justisa ba autór sira ne’ebé komete krime grave no krime kontra umanidade iha tempu ne’ebá.
Maibé nafatin la lori rezultadu ruma
ne’ebé mak bele satisfas ba famíllia vítima sira nia fuan. Ho
situasaun ne’e hetok lori vítima no famíllia vítima sira ba iha kondisaun
frustrasaun nia laran. Enkuantu Vítima hirak ne’e
agora iha kondisaun grave no vuneravél nia laran.
Kuaze vítima sira hela iha kondisaun sofre tensaun síkolozia
no depresaun nia laran. Tamba sira ne’ebé hetan ona violasaun seksuál
dadaun ne’e kontinua sei hetan stigma husi
sosiadade hanesan “feto at” no ambiente ida ne’e nafatin eziste to’o
daet ba famíllia sira. Iha vítima balu, liu husi ami nia
akompañamentu, nota mós katak husi famíllia uma laran mós fihir/hakribi ka
esklui sira husi famíllia laran, tamba hetan fama at husi sosiadade
Nune’e oan sira, ate famíllia balu too lakohi rekoñese sira nia oan feto balu ne’ebé hetan ona violasuan seksuál iha tempu ne’ebá. Vítima sira ne’e ohin sira labele kontinua sira nia moris ho kondisaun atu aguenta iha tinan 10 mai tan. Tanba barak husi sira mak mesak idade tinan walu nolu ba leten.
Asosiasaun HAK konsidera bainhira Governu Timor-Leste no Governu Japaun sidauk iha vontade polítika atu rekoñese Lia Loos ba vítima Jugun Ianfu, avó sira sei kontinua nafatin hela ho stigma “Feto at” no sira sei la kontenti tantu agora sira barak mak husik hela ona mundu ida ne’e no sira balu ne’ebé mak sei moris.
Aktu rekoiñesementu importante tebes hodi loke oportunidade nu’udar
spasu ida ba sosiedade atu fó sintidu solidariadade ba vítima no famíllia tomak
atu bele senti katak sira la mesak hodi hasoru sofrementu bo’ot ne’e relasiona
ho aktu brutalizmu Militár Japaun nian ne’ebé mak viola ona sira nia dignidade
nu’udar umanu no sekoopera fila fali vítima ho sira nia famillia no Sosiedade
hodi fó sai Lia Los katak avó sira laós hanesan stigma ne’ebé durante ne’e
sosiedade prega ba sira.
#English Version;
Right to Justice for Victims of World War II (1942-1945)
World War II or World War II, makes all countries in the world worried including countries in Asia. Japan is a major country in the region, which is also advanced in its war technology, so in this war, it also wants to show its strength to the world that in Asia, there is also strength. It thus occupied the territory of many ASEAN countries in the ASEAN region, including Timor-Leste.
The occupation of the Japanese troops brought suffering to many countries. The consequence of their occupation was to damage and destroy a lot of wealth in the countries they occupied. In this war, many people lost their lives and hurt many people intermus physically and psychologically. According to history, the objective of the Japanese invasion of Timor-Leste was to expel the allied forces (Australia and the Dutch) from Timor-Leste.
The consequences of the occupation of Japanese troops to Timor for nearly three (3) years, left behind various sufferings and great suffering to the people of Timor-Leste. During their invasion, communities were forced to perform compulsory service to support their mission to fight against their enemies. The consequence of their actions, which caused more or less six hundred thousand (600,000) victims of their actions.
Their brutality is like recruiting grandfathers forcibly to dig roads without payment and feeding and another model is to force the Suku Chief and the Povasaun Chief at that time to offer them, grandmothers who will little girls and young women to serve them as cooks and made into sexual slaves.
To document the bitter stories that have happened in Timor-Leste, so in 2005, HAK Association together with a group of solidarity activists from Japan called the Japan Coalition, has done a research, to identify victims of of this war. We were unable to identify many victims according to the historical data available because most of these grandparents, many have died.
Thus, we managed to meet only 20 grandmothers. These grandmothers, mostly Japanese military forced (dipaksa) to become sexual slaves (Jugun Ianfu) to them for three (3) years his heart. The condition of the grandparents is currently 9 have left the world without recovering their suffering and there are still 11 who are now in old age. Grandparents who are now alive are in Manufahi Municipality will miss 3 grandparents, Viqueque Municipality will miss 1 grandfather, Covalima Municipality will miss 4 grandparents and Ermera Municipality will miss 2 grandparents and a grandmother in Aileu Municipality.
In such a situation, HAK also notes that often and repeatedly, the families of the victims are determined to ask the authorities of the State of Timor-Leste, but the leaders do not care to ignore these demands . The families of the victims have been crying and demanding truth and justice for the perpetrators who committed serious crimes and crimes against humanity at that time.
But it still does not bring any results that can satisfy the hearts of the families of the victims. With this situation, the victims and their families are in a state of frustration. While these victims are now in serious and vulnerable condition.
Almost all victims are in a state of psychological stress and depression. Because those who have been sexually raped now continue to be stigmatized by society as "bad women" and this environment still exists until it affects families. Some victims, through our accompaniment, also noticed that the family at home also hate or exclude them from the family, because they have a bad reputation from society.
So children, even some families do not want to recognize some of their daughters who have been sexually raped at that time. These victims today cannot continue their lives with conditions to endure for another 10 years. Because many of them are single over the age of eighty.
HAK Association considers that if the Government of Timor-Leste and the Government of Japan do not have the political will to recognize the truth to the victim Jugun Ianfu, grandmothers will continue to live with the stigma of "bad woman" and they will not be happy so now many of them have left the world this and some of them who are still alive.
The act of recognition is very important to open the opportunity as a space for society to give a sense of solidarity to the victims and the entire family to feel that they are not alone in facing this great suffering related to the act of Japanese military brutality that is have violated their human dignity and cooperate again victims with their families and society to tell the truth that grandparents are not like the stigma that society has been pressing on them.