Sá ida mak krimi?
Krimi katak akontesementu konflitu entre povu ho povu ka komete husi povu kontra sosiedade ne’ebé akontese hodi hakotu relasaun ba malu liu husi planu, asaun verbál no mós asaun fíziku.
Planu katak antes hala’o asaun ruma hodi halo ema seluk sai vítima, dala uluk halo planu oinsá mak ataka no oinsá mak planu ne’e bele to’o ninia finalidade.
Asaun verbál mak hanesan, tolok no insulta ema seluk nune’e ema ne’ebé mak simu direita asaun ne’e sei hetan hamoe no senti laran ki’ik, nune’e oinsa mak atu salva ninia-an, dala barak nia foti medidas violénsia hodi hasoru.
Asaun fíziku iha oi-oin, mak hanesan; baku malu ho liman, ain, ai-dona no doble steek. Tuda malu ho fatuk, diman, ai-suak no au ne’ebé mak halo kro’at tiha ona. Tá malu ho katana maubeka, surik ho taha no asaun ikus maka hana malu ho rama, rama ambon no fiska.
Kazu kriminál ?
Identifikasaun ba vítima no suspeitu sei hein desijaun husi Tribunál Prosesu hato’o keiza ba Polísia no Ministériu Públiku Krimi ruma akontese entre povu ho povu la konsidera hanesan violasaun direitu umanus tanba sira na’in rua ka grupu rua la iha poder ne’ebé mak bo’ot.
Maibé krimi ne’ebé mak akontese entre autoridade seguransa ho povu, ne’e mak
konsidera nu’udár violasaun direitus umanus.
#English Version;
What is Crime & Criminal Cases?
What is a crime?
Crime is the occurrence of conflict between people and people or committed by people against society that happens to break relations with each other through plans, verbal actions and physical actions.
Plan that before taking any action to make others victims, first make a plan how to attack and how the plan can reach its purpose.
Verbal action is like, fool and insult others so that the person who receives the right action will be humiliated and feel humiliated, so how to save himself, often he takes measures violence to deal with.
There are various physical actions, such as; arm, leg, club and double steek brawls. They fought with stones, sticks, sticks and wood that had been cut. They fought with katana maubeka, swords and knives and the last action was to fight with rama, rama ambon and fiska.
Criminal case ?
Identification of the victim and suspect will await the decision of the Court Process to file a complaint to the Police and the Public Prosecutor's Office Any crime that happens between people and people is not considered a violation of human rights because they both or two groups do not have the power to 'ot.
But the crime that happened between the security authorities and the people, this is considered a violation of human rights.