Programa HAK :
1. Hametin Instituisaun Estadu; Programa ida ne’e
nia fóku maká
Siguransa no Ofisiás
liu husi Governu hala’o sira nia kna’ar ho responsabilidade ho di’ak tuir lei no
respeitu ba prinsípiu no valores direitus umanus.
2. Hametin
Justisa; Programa ida ne’e fóku liu ba dudu komponente tomak Estadu nian ba
kria mekanizmu hodi garante direitu
vítima violasaun direitus umanus iha tempu pasadu. Intensaun programa ida ne’e
mós atu eduka públiku hodi la repete tan hahalok violasaun direitus
umanus ne’ebé hanesan iha Timor-Leste
agora no futuru.
3. Advokásia ba Direitu Ekonómia Sosiál no Kultura; Programa ida ne’e fóku liu ba oinsá governu nia polítika hodi garante moris di’ak ba sidadaun sira, liu-liu iha seitór Saúde, Edukasaun, Agrikultura no mós asesu ba Rai hodi dezemvolve sira nia moris di’ak iha sosiedade laran, la’os Rai sai fila fali hun ba problema iha sosiedade laran.
#English Version ;
HAK Program :
1. Strengthen State Institutions; The focus of this program is on how Security Authorities and State Officials through the Government perform their duties responsibly in accordance with the law and respect for human rights principles and values.
2. Strengthen Justice; This program focuses on encouraging all components of the State to create mechanisms to guarantee the rights of victims of past human rights violations. The intention of this program is also to educate the public not to repeat similar human rights violations in Timor-Leste now and in the future.
3. Advocacy for Social Economic and Cultural Rights; This program focuses on how government policies to ensure the well-being of citizens, especially in the sectors of Health, Education, Agriculture and access to land to develop their well-being in society, 'os Land becomes again the root of problems in society.