Saturday, October 7, 2023

Bee moos, Saneamentu no Ijiene nu’udar Direitus Umanus

 Asuntu Bee Moos

Bee ba Ema Hotu no Bee ba Fatin Hotu

Bee moos, saneamentu no ijiene nu’udar direitus umanus ne’ebé labele haketak ho ema nia moris. Ida ne’e kontempla iha Konstituisaun RDTL artigu 6 objetivu Estadu, alínea e, haktuir katak promove no harii sosiedade ida ne’ebé bazeia ba Justisa sosiál, liu husi estabelesimentu sidadaun nia moris di’ak material no espirituál. Alínea f, Proteje didi’ak meiu-Ambiente no boli nafatin riku-soin rai nian. Konstituisaun RDTL artigu 57, Saúde alínea 1, Estadu hatene katak ema hotu iha direitu ba saúde, asisténsia médiku sanitaria no mós devér atu defende no promove direitu ne’e.

Konstituisaun RDTL artigu  61, Meiu-Ambiente, alínea 1, ema hotu iha direitu atu moris iha ambiente ema moris nian ne’ebé moos, na-belun di’ak ho natureza no iha obrigasaun atu proteje no halo di’ak ba jerasaun loron ikus nian. Alínea 2, Estadu rekoñese katak iha nesesidade atu tau matan didi’ak no fó valór ba ita nia rai nia riku soin. Konstituisaun RDTL  artigu  139, Rekursu naturál sira, alínea 1, Rekursu rai leten nian, rai okos nian, bee territorial, plataforma kontinentál no zona ekonómiku eskluzivu, ne’ebé importante ba ekonómia,ne’e estadu nia propriedade ne’ebé tenki utiliza iha forma loloos hanesan de’it ba ema hotu-hotu tuir interese nasionál.

Lee Kontinua

#English Version;

Water for All and Water for Everywhere

Clean water, sanitation and hygiene are human rights that are inseparable from human life. This is contemplated in the Constitution of the RDTL article 6 State objective, paragraph e, states that promote and build a society based on social justice, through the establishment of citizens' material and spiritual well-being. Paragraph f, Protect the environment and preserve the land's resources. Constitution of the RDTL article 57, Health paragraph 1, the State knows that everyone has the right to health, medical sanitary assistance and also the duty to defend and promote this right.

Constitution of the RDTL article 61, Environment, paragraph 1, everyone has the right to live in a clean human environment, in good harmony with nature and has the obligation to protect and do good for the last generation of. Paragraph 2, the State recognizes that there is a need to take good care of and give value to our country's wealth. Constitution of the RDTL article 139, Natural resources, paragraph 1, Surface, underground, territorial waters, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, which are important for the economy, are state property that must be used in the proper form is the same for everyone according to the national interest.

💧Problema la Asesu ba Bee moos kontinua sai nafatin preokupasaun ba komunidade Suku Camea

💧Bee Moos Tenke Sai Prioridade ba ita nia Povu, Entrevista Eskluzivu ho Sra.Cidalia N.M.L.Guterres.


Author & Editor



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