Setór Edukasaun
Foto HAK- atividade FDG iha Eskola EBF Tatiri, Munisipiu Ainaro |
nu’udar direitu fundamentu ida ne’ebé importante liu ba ema hotu hodi realiza
direitu sira seluk (Nú.1 komentáriu jerál KIDESK art.13). Nune’e direitu ba
edukasaun hetan rekoñesimentu iha lei internasionál sira. Lei ne’ebé sai hanesan
padraun ba estadu membru sira. Nune’e mós Estadu parte sira tenki tuir hodi
hakonu sidadaun sira nia direitu ba Edukasaun. Prémeiru Edukasaun primária
ne’ebé disponivél no saugati ba ema hotu no mós obrigatóriu (DUDU, art. 26 no
KIDESK art. 13 (2) (a).
Ida ne’e konsagra mós iha Kontituisaun RDTL (art.59.1) ne’ebé mak garante sidadaun hotu nia direitu ba edukasaun no kultura no mós sei halo promosaun hodi hari’i sistéma públiku universál no obrigatóriu ba Edukasaun Bázíku ne’ebé saugati tuir nia kapasidade no lei. Nune’e rekoñese katak durante ne’e estadu liu husi governu hala’o ona nia obrigasaun balu hodi hakonu sidadaun sira nia direitu ba Edukasaun. Maibé haree ba karaktéristika direitu ba edukasun tuir padraun sira ne’ebé Timor-Leste adopta ona, gorvenu seidauk hala’o nia obrigasaun ho di’ak. Tanba tuir observasaun HAK nian iha munisípiu sira ne’ebé halo monitórizasaun ba, maiuria eskola públiku sira sei hasoru problema ne’ebé bele kontribui ba halakon labárik sira nia direitu atu hetan oportunidade no kualidade edukasaun ne’ebé hanesan iha Territóriu Timór-Leste laran tomak.
Iha áreia edukasaun, monitórizasaun HAK nian, limita de’it ba fasilidades no atendementu sira iha eskola ensinu báziku filiál públiku hamutuk 77, eskola sira ne’e nia kondisaun sei hetan problema mak hanesan fasilidade ba kondisaun uma eskola, meza, kadeira ba alunu/a sira, sanitasaun iha eskola sira hanesan bee moos no Sintina, edifísiu ba profesor/a sira, laiha Biblioteka no kondisaun sala aprendizajen la sufisiente.
Informasaun sira ne’e, ami rekolla liu husi monitórizasaun iha Munisípiu 6, Postu Adminisrativu 17, Suku 72. Hatudu katak kondisaun hirak ne’e, seidauk tuir karaktéristita direitu ba edukasaun tuir padraun legál sira ne’ebé mak Timor-Leste adopta ona, katak edukasaun tenki disponivél bá ema hotu. Signífika katak estadu tenke fornese instituisaun edukasaun nian no mestri natoon ba ema hotu. Estadu tenki asegura Manorin nain sira simu saláriu adekuadu no fornese formasaun ba Manorin nain sira no mós fornese matéria hanorin nian ne’ebé adekuadu.
Download Relatóriu Auditória Sosiál Implementasaun Programa Merenda Eskolár-Periudo-2018
#English Version;
Education Is One of the Most Important Fundamental Rights for All
Education is one of the most important fundamental rights for all people to realize other rights (No. 1 general comment KIDESK art.13). The right to education is thus recognized in international law. Law that serves as a standard for member states. States Parties must also comply with the right of citizens to education. First Primary education that is available and free to all and also compulsory (DUDU, art. 26 and KIDESK art. 13 (2) (a).
This is also enshrined in the Constitution of the RDTL (art.59.1) which guarantees the right of all citizens to education and culture and will also promote the establishment of a universal and compulsory public system of basic education in accordance with it capacity and law. It is recognized that during this time the state through the government has performed some of its obligations to fulfill the right of citizens to education. However, given the characteristics of the right to education according to the standards that Timor-Leste has adopted, the government has not fulfilled its obligations properly. Because according to HAK's observation in the municipalities monitored, most public schools will face problems that may contribute to the loss of children's right to equal opportunities and quality of education throughout the territory of Timor-Leste .
In the area of education, HAK's monitoring, limited to facilities and services in 77 public branch primary schools, these schools' condition will have problems such as facilities for the condition of school buildings, tables, chairs for students / a, sanitation in schools such as clean water and toilets, buildings for teachers, no library and insufficient classroom conditions.
This information, we collected through monitoring in 6 municipalities, 17 administrative posts, 72 suku. It shows that these conditions, do not meet the characteristics of the right to education according to the legal standards that Timor-Leste has adopted, that education should be available to all. It means that the state must provide educational institutions and enough teachers for everyone. The State must ensure that teachers receive adequate salaries and provide training to teachers and also provide adequate teaching materials.