Saturday, October 21, 2023

Ema hotu iha direitu ba moris ida ne’ebé adekuadu bá nia Saúde rasik no ninia famíllia

 Setór Saúde

Ema hotu iha direitu ba moris ida ne’ebé adekuadu bá nia Saúde rasik no ninia famíllia, inklui ai-han, hatais, hela fatin, kuidadu médiku no servisu sosiál nesesáriu’’, art. 25.1 Deklarasaun Universál Direitu Umanu (DUDU)

Ida ne’e signifika Saúde nu’udar direitu fundamental ba ema kriatura. Nu’udar direitu fundamentu tanba Saúde nu’udar direitu ne’ebé nesesáriu atu hala’o direitu umanus sira seluk. 

Nune’e rekoñese mós iha lei internasionál sira ne’ebé Timór-Leste ratifika tiha ona hanesan Konvensaun Internasionál Direitu Ekonómia Sosiál no Kulturál (KIDESK) katak ema kriatura hot-hotu iha direitu atu goza nivél Saúde ás liu ne’ebé hetan hodi bele moris ho dignidade (art. 12 KIDESK). Nune’e mós direitu ida ne’e rekoñese iha art. 57 Konstituisaun RDTL.

Nune’e tuir instrumentu legál sira iha leten ne’e, Estadu iha obrigasaun atu hakonu direitu ida ne’e. Iha kontesktu Timór-Leste, governu realiza ona nia obrigasaun balun tuir mandatu konstituisaun nian hanesan Saúde Públiku fó asisténsia Saúde ba ho gratuita, estabelese hositál Sentru Saúde no Postu Saúde sira hakbesik ba komunidade. No mós kapasita rekursu umanus iha área Saúde nian hodi halo atendimentu públiku nian sei nota kestaun barak mak presija Governu tau atensaunn nafatin hodi garante ema hotu asesu ba Saúde ho fasíl no gratuitu.

Dadus husi ami nia monitórizasaun, haree liu ba atendementu Saúde Públiku iha Suku sira. Tuir observasaun no informasaun sira ne’ebé mak ami rekoilla husi Suku 72 iha Munisípiu 6, hatudu katak atendementu Saúde Públiku iha Suku sira, Ministériu Saúde iha ona esforsu maka’as hodi hakbesik atendementu Saúde ba komunidade sira iha Suku liu husi hari’i postu Saúde, koloka pesoál Saúde no doutór preventiva sira iha Suku. 

Maibé asesu komunidade nian ba Saúde nafatin sai perkupasaun tanba fasilidades Saúde nian iha Suku sira seidauk natoon hodi pesoál Saúde sira hala’o sira nia kna’ar ho di’ak. 

Nune’e mós iha Suku balu seidauk iha Postu Saúde, pesoál Saúde no doutór preventiva sira hodi halo atendementu Saúde iha ne’ebá. 

#English Version;

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health of themselves and of their families

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, shelter, medical care and necessary social services’’, art. 25.1 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

This means that health is a fundamental right of human beings. It is a fundamental right because health is a right necessary to exercise other human rights.

It is also recognized in international laws that Timor-Leste has ratified such as the International Convention on Social Economic and Cultural Rights (KIDESK) that all human beings have the right to enjoy the highest level of health required to survive with dignity (art. 12 KIDESK). This right is also recognized in art. 57 Constitution of the RDTL.

Therefore, according to the above legal instruments, the State has an obligation to fulfill this right. In the context of Timor-Leste, the government has fulfilled some of its obligations under the constitutional mandate such as Public Health providing free health care, establishing health centers and health posts close to the community. Also, training human resources in the area of ​​health to provide public services will note many issues that require the Government to pay attention to ensure that everyone has easy and free access to health.

Data from our monitoring, focusing on Public Health services in the Suku. According to observations and information that we collected from 72 districts in 6 municipalities, shows that public health care in the districts, the Ministry of Health has made great efforts to bring health care to the communities in the districts through the establishment of posts Health, place health personnel and preventive doctors in the Suku.

However, community access to health remains a concern because health facilities in the villages are not sufficient for health personnel to perform their duties properly.

Also in some villages there are no health posts, health personnel and preventive doctors to provide health care there.

🔘Koordenadór  Edukasaun & Publikasaun hetan entrevista husi Midía Timor Post liga ho Asuntu Saúde


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