Lian Agrikultura
Foto Ekipa HAK Monitorizasaun Grupu Toos Nain iha Fatuquero/Gleno-Doc HAK |
Ai-han, komponenti ida ne’ebé labele hasai ka hado’ok husi ema nia moris. Tanba ne’e, ai-han nu’udar direitu fundamentu, ne’ebé Estadu parte sira Konvensaun Internasionál Direitu Ekonómia, Sosiál no Kultura, iha obrigasaun hodi kria kondisaun, atu nune’e ninia sidadaun sira iha vontadi hodi hala’o vida agríkola. Nune’e bele halo prodús ai-han ne’ebé sufisienti ba sira ninia nesesidade konsumu no distribuisaun ba merkadu lokál hodi hakonu sira ninia nesesidades báziku sira. Tanba ne’e HAK hanesan onganizasaun naun-govermentál ida ne’ebé ninia servisu esensiál maka tau matan ba asuntu sira ne’ebé liga liu ho direitu sira ema nian.
HAK identifika Munisípiu 6 mak hanesan Aileu, Ainaro, Baucau, Viqueque, Dili no Ermera; sai hanesan área tarjetu ba HAK nia aktividades monitórizasaun hodi asegura katak populasaun husi Munisípiu sira refere hetan sira nia direitu báziku, inklui direitu atu asesu ai-han ho kualidade, seguru no prodús rasik no halo distribuisaun rasik (Soberania ai-han). Atu asegura direitu báziku hirak ne’e, HAK iha esprensia servisu hamutuk ho entidades diferente hanesan autoridade lokál, juventude, Polísia, Diresaun Edukasaun, Munisípiu, Diresaun Agrikultura, Líder feto, inklui ONG sira iha Munisípiu hodi bele asegura katak populasaun husi Munisípiu sira refere hetan sira nia direitu báziku ba prodús ai-han ho sustentavél liu husi atividade sira.Oinsá mak sidadaun sira bele ba to’o faze ikus sira iha ai-han ne’ebé menus iha sira nia uma laran, polítika Minísteriu Agrikultura nian tenke opta polítika deversifikasaun, hodi nune’e sidadaun sira kontinua kuda ai-han oi-oin iha sira nia kintál, to’os laran no natar laran.
Nune’e, wainhira mosu tempu ne’ebé ladiak (bai loro naruk ka udan la para), agrikultór sira nafatin kolleta ai-han hodi hatan ba nesesidade konsumu. Ho nune’e, maka povu iha nasaun ida ne’e bele to’o auto sufisienti ai-han, mak ita bele reklama katak ita to’o duni ona soberania ai-han. produsaun agrikultór nian atu sai di’ak liu, depende mós ba polítika Estadu ida nian, opta sá sistéma agrkultura? Opta sistéma agrikultura mekanizasaun, sistéma agrikultura revolusaun verde, sistéma agrikultura sustentavél ka sistéma agrikultura orgániku ?
Agrikultura sai hanesan fatór kulminante hodi termina povu Timor-Leste nia moris en jerál. Tama ona ba tinan 16 maka Povu Timor-Leste kore-an husi okupasaun rejíme militár Indonézia. Durante tempu ukun rasik-an ne’e, povu seidauk sente loloos sintidu libertasaun nasionál. Tanba kuaze maioria povu Timor-Leste sei hela ho kondisaun susar, tanba sei menus ai-han. Menus ai-han ne’e depende ba produsaun rai laran nian. Produsaun ai-han ne’e mós depende ba fatin ka área ne’ebé to’os ka natar na’in sira atu asesu ba. Biar to’os na’in no natar na’in sira iha fatin ka área produsaun ne’ebé luan, maibé kondisaun mínimu la natoon (irigasaun seidauk di’ak), agrikultór sira mós sei labele halo produsaun tuir kbi’it ne’ebé iha. Situasaun hirak ne’e hotu, halo kuaze Timoroan sira hasoru problema todan. Nune’e ita nia moris mós sei nafatin hakdasak no namu’uk iha fatin. Ita nia Governu foti ona medida no esforsu oi-oin hodi hatan ba problema ai-han, nune’e dalan ne’ebé fasíl liu, Governu halo mak aloka osan hodi ba sosa husi rai seluk nia ai-han (foos) husi Vietnam no Thailandia. Maibé esforsu hirak ne’e sei hatan de’it ba périudu tempu badak nian no sei labele eziste too tinan naruk mai. Tan osan ne’ebé ita nia Governu uza hodi sosa rai seluk nia produtu, ba tempu ruma sei labele kontinua tan, tanba ita nia osan mós sei menus ba bei-beik no bele mamuk no mohu iha loron ruma.
Iha fulan Outubru 2010, Governu Timor-Leste liu-hosi Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska, no Ministériu relevante seluk hanesan Ministériu Finansa, Ministériu Ekonómia no Dezenvolvimentu, Ministériu Edukasaun, Ministériu Saúde, Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál, Reprezentante Nasoens Unidas no Ajénsia ONU nian hotu iha Timor-Leste lansa tiha ona deklarasaun ida ho naran Deklarasaun Comoro ba hakotu Hamlaha no Malnutrisaun iha Timor-Leste.
Iha deklarasaun ne’e, Governu no Ajénsia Nasoens Unidas
nian, afirma sira nia komitmentu ba kombate hamlaha no redúz malnutrisaun liu
husi hasa’e produsaun agrikola ida nakonu ho kualidade no kuantidade hodi bele
responde ba nesesidade konsumu iha nivél uma-kain. Mezmu hanesan ne’e, to’o agora fornesimentu ai-han iha
nivél uma-kain sei menus teb-tebes, nune’e mós populasaun
barak konsumu ai-han ne’ebé nutrisaun ladun
favoravél, ne’ebé laiha proteina no
vitamina di’ak hodi kontribui ba isin di’ak.
Dezenvolvimentu agrikultura iha Timor-Leste seidauk iha-mudansa ida ne’ebé signifikativu hodi asegura
ai-han ne’ebé sufisiente ba uma-kain hodi asegura konsumu ai-han iha nivél famillia ne’ebé sufisiente konforme padraun nasionál nian.
Hare ba
situasuan hirak ne’ebé haktuir iha
leten, fó alarma ka sinál boot ba ita ne’ebé nu’udar mata dalan ba to’os na’in ho natar na’in sira, atu la
husik sira hodi kontinua moris iha dependénsia nia laran. Tan sira (to’os na’in ho
natar na’in) mak úniku autór hodi termina
ita nia ukun rasik- an ho loloos no dignu. Ukun rasik-an katak ita sei liberta ita nia an husi kiak no
hamlaha, mak ita hahú hatene oinsá agrikutór sira bele halo produsaun ho másimu
no sustentavél mak hafoin ita bele atinzi soberania ai-han hodi hametin ita nia ukun rasik-an ida ne’e, ohin no
Konforme realidade
hatudu, maioria husi populasaun Timor-Leste hela iha área rurál, no moris nu’udar agrikultór. Tanba ne’e, seitór agrikultór nu’udar fontes
prinsipál atu sustenta populasaun sira nia moris no sai hanesan baze ba
dezenvolve ekonómia
Estadu Timor-Leste iha responsabilidade
atu hakonu nia ema sira nia direitu ekonómia, ne’ebé nia ratifika ona konvensaun internasionál lubuk ida,
liu-liu Konvensaun Internasionál kona-ba Direitu Ekonómia, Sosiál no Kulturál (KIDESK) ne’ebé sai hanesan lei iha nasaun ida ne’e.
Sistéma agrikultura iha Timor-Leste, nafatin la’o seidauk di’ak ne’ebé agrikultór sira halo to’os, kontinua ho sistéma tradisionál, por exemplu nafatin-lere no sunu rai no tesi ai iha áreas rurais sira, produsaun agrikóla ne’ebé menus ba bei-beik, ameasa no risku dezastre naturais kontinua akontese iha fatin-fatin. Iha parte seluk, problema mudansa klímatika ne’ebé afeta ba agrikultór sira nia produsaun tu’un. Kondisaun hanesan ne’e prejudika no afeta tebes ba seguransa ai-han no soberania ai-han hodi bele responde ba ejizensia konsumidór sira nian iha rai laran.
#English Version;
Food, A Component That Cannot Be Removed From Human Life
Food, a component that cannot be removed or removed from human life. Therefore, food is a fundamental right, which States parties to the International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, have an obligation to create conditions, so that its citizens are willing to lead agricultural life . This can produce sufficient food for their consumption needs and distribute to the local market to meet their basic needs. HAK is therefore a non-governmental organization whose essential service is to address issues related to human rights.
HAK identified 6 municipalities such as Aileu, Ainaro, Baucau, Viqueque, Dili and Ermera; becomes a target area for HAK's monitoring activities to ensure that the population of these municipalities receive their basic rights, including the right to access quality, safe and self-produced and self-distributed food (Food Sovereignty). To ensure these basic rights, HAK has experience working with different entities such as local authorities, youth, police, education directorate, municipality, agriculture directorate, women leaders, including NGOs in the municipality to ensure that the population of the municipalities get their basic right to produce food sustainably through activities. How can citizens reach the final stages of food shortages in their homes, the policy of the Ministry of Agriculture must opt for policy diversification, so that citizens continue to grow a variety of foods in their yards, fields and fields.
Therefore, when bad weather occurs (long days or continuous rain), farmers continue to harvest food to meet consumption needs. Thus, the people in this country can reach self-sufficiency in food, then we can claim that we have reached food sovereignty. farmer's production to be better, also depends on the policy of a State, what agricultural system is chosen? Do you choose mechanized agriculture system, green revolution agriculture system, sustainable agriculture system or organic agriculture system?
Agriculture became the culminating factor in ending the lives of the people of Timor-Leste in general. It has been 16 years since the people of Timor-Leste liberated themselves from the occupation of the Indonesian military regime. During this time of independence, the people have not really felt the sense of national liberation. Because almost the majority of the people of Timor-Leste will live in difficult conditions, because there will be less food. This food shortage depends on domestic production. Food production also depends on the location or area that farmers have access to. Although farmers and field owners have a large production area, but the minimum conditions are not good (irrigation is not good), farmers will not be able to produce according to their ability on. All these situations, make almost all Timorese face serious problems. So our lives will remain in place. Our Government has taken various measures and efforts to address the food problem, so the easiest way, the Government does is to allocate money to buy from other countries food (foos) from Vietnam and Thailand. But these efforts will only respond to the short-term period and will not exist for many years to come. Because the money that our Government uses to buy other countries' products, for some time will not be able to continue, because our money will also decrease gradually and may run out and disappear one day.
In October 2010, the Government of Timor-Leste through the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, and other relevant Ministries such as the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy and Development, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Solidarity, United Nations Representatives and all UN Agencies in Timor -Leste has launched a declaration called the Comoro Declaration to end Hunger and Malnutrition in Timor-Leste.
In this statement, the Government and the United Nations Agency, affirmed their commitment to combat hunger and reduce malnutrition by increasing agricultural production full of quality and quantity to respond to consumption needs at the household level. However, until now the supply of food at the household level is still very low, as well as many populations consume food that is not nutritionally favorable, that lacks protein and vitamins di 'ak to contribute to good health. Agricultural development in Timor-Leste has not changed significantly to ensure sufficient food for households to ensure sufficient food consumption at the family level in accordance with national standards.
Looking at the situations mentioned above, gives a big alarm or signal to us as the guide to farmers and field owners, not to let them continue to live in dependence inside. Because they (farmers and farmers) are the only authors to end our independence with justice and dignity. Independence means that we will free ourselves from poverty and hunger, then we begin to know how farmers can produce maximum and sustainable and then we can achieve food sovereignty to strengthen our independence e, today and the future.
As reality shows, the majority of Timor-Leste's population lives in rural areas, and lives as farmers. Therefore, the agricultural sector is the main source to sustain the lives of the population and become the basis for developing the basic economy.
The State of Timor-Leste has a constitutional responsibility to fulfill the economic rights of its people, which it has ratified a number of international conventions, especially the International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (KIDESK) which became law in this country.
The agricultural system in Timor-Leste, still not working well that farmers farm, continue with the traditional system, for example still-lere and burn land and cut down trees in rural areas, agricultural production is is decreasing, the threat and risk of natural disasters continues to occur in places. On the other hand, the problem of climate change affects farmers’ production. Such conditions harm and affect food security and food sovereignty in order to respond to the demands of consumers in the country.