Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Istória Segunda Guerra Mundiál Invazaun Militár Japaun Mai Timor-Leste (1942-1945)


Istória Segunda Guerra Mundiál Invazaun Militár Japaun Mai Timor-Leste (1942-1945)

Segunda Guerra Mundiál ka Funu Mundiál daruak, lori sofrementu ba nasaun barak  inklui mós ba povu Timor-Leste. Iha momentu ne’ebá povu Timór koñesidu nu’udar Timór Português. Militár Japonés invade Timór Português iha 20 Fevereiru 1942 to’o Agustu 1945, lori sofrimentu bo’ot ba Timór-oan no liu-liu ba feto fóinsae sira. Faktus krime kontra umanidade durante tempu okupasaun Militár Japaun nian iha Timór, rezulta feto fóin sa’e sira fórsadamente sai vítima. Ho lian Japaun nian hanaran Jugun Ianfu ka atan seksuál (eskravidaun seksuál). Tuir rezultadu peskiza HAK ho koligasaun Japonés sira ba Timor-Leste, dezde tinan 2005-2010. Iha vítima hamutuk nain 20.  Vítima sira ne’e mak iha korazen no aten brani hodi haktuir sai sira nia istória moruk no nakukun. 

Alende ne’e, Timór oan koaze rihun atus neen liu (600.000) mak hetan serbisu obrigatoriamente ka ho lian Japaun nian (romusa) hodi fórnese hahan ba tropáz Japonés sira durante tinan tolu ho balu nia laran. Husi vítima nain 20 ne’e, iha vítima nain 19 maka mate ona hela nain 1 mak sei moris. 

Normalmente kada tinan HAK ho nia parseiru estratejiku sira komemora loron invazaun Militár Japonés mai Timor-Leste (20 Fevreiru 1942-45) hodi hanoin hikas vítima sira nia sofrementu ho programa Ekpozisaun no Semináriu ba Estudante Universitáriu, ONG Nasionál no Média Nasionál sira. Maibé, komemorasaun ba tinan ida ne’e, HAK hamutuk ho parseiru Estratejiku organiza eventu “La’o Ain hodi Sunu Lilin no Kari–Aifunan iha Monumentu Segunda Guerra Mundiál Largo Lecidere” Atu fanun públiku liu-liu joven sira bele hatene istória luta libertasaun nian, la’os de’it movimentu kontra kolonialismu Português no okupasaun ilegal rejimi militár Soeharto nian, maibé mós invazaun militár Japaun nian iha II Guerra Mundiál, ne’ebé lori mós sofrimentu ba povu Timor-Leste. Liu ona tinan 80 resin, ita nia memória ba istória Jugun Ianfu (Atan Seksuál) ne’ebé mak akontese iha Segunda Guerra Mundiál hahú mihis no atu sai mout ba dadaun.

 #English Version ;

History World War II Japanese Military Invasion of Timor-Leste (1942-1945)

World War II brought suffering to many countries including the people of Timor-Leste. At that time the Timorese people were known as Portuguese Timor. The Japanese military invaded Portuguese Timor from 20 February 1942 to August 1945, bringing great suffering to Timorese and especially to young women. The fact of crimes against humanity during the Japanese military occupation of Timor, resulted in young women being forcibly victimized. In Japanese it is called Jugun Ianfu or sex slave (sex slavery). According to the results of research HAK and Japanese coalitions to Timor-Leste, since 2005-2010. There are 20 victims. These victims have the courage and bravery to tell their bitter and dark stories.

In addition, nearly six hundred thousand (600,000) Timorese were forced to work in Japanese (romusa) to provide food for Japanese troops for three and a half years. Of the 20 victims, 19 have died and 1 is still alive.

Usually every year HAK and its strategic partners commemorate the day of the Japanese military invasion of Timor-Leste (February 20, 1942-45) to remember the suffering of the victims with an exhibition and seminar program for university students, national NGOs and national media. However, in commemoration of this year, HAK together with strategic partners organized the event “Walking to Burn Candles and Kari-Aifunan at the Second World War Monument Largo Lecidere” To awaken the public especially young people to know the history of the liberation struggle not only the movement against Portuguese colonialism and the illegal occupation of Soeharto's military regime, but also the Japanese military invasion in World War II, which also brought suffering to the people of Timor-Leste. More than 80 years later, our memory of the Jugun Ianfu (Sexual Slave) story that took place during World War II is beginning to fade and is about to fade.

 🔘Kondisaun Atual Vítima Iha Tempu Funu Segunda Guerra Mundiál 1942-1945


Author & Editor



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